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The Church of Jorge Mario Bergoglio

By 11 May 2017June 29th, 2017Conferences

After ‘Italy and Religions’, here is the second appointment with our series ‘Religions: local and global scenarios’: next Thursday 25th May at 6 pm, in the San Firenze room of our Institute, prof. Roberto Di Stefano, from La Pampa University in Argentina, who is in town with the project of the ‘Florence Short Term Fellowships’, financially supported by the Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Firenze, will give a lecture on “Religion and Politics in Argentina: some particular aspects in the history of the Church of pope Bergoglio”, in a dialogue with the Director of Toscana Oggi Andrea Fagioli. Church and politics, immigration, Peronism will be some of the topics of the lecture, in order to better understand the context in which Jorge Mario Bergoglio spent most part of his life. Download here the program.


Bergoglio and Argentina