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‘Florence in the Religious Crisis of the Sixteenth Century’: the eligible researchers

By 12 October 2017Rankings

Here is, in alphabetical order, the list of the young researchers eligible to participate as auditors to the international conference ‘Florence in the Religious Crisis of the Sixteenth Century. From the Death of Savonarola to the Coronation of Cosimo I’, that will take place in Florence next November 23rd to 25th 2017, with the intervention of renowned Italian and foreign scholars. The Scientific Direction of our Institute has positively evaluated all the application, compiling then the following list. The 10 admittedyoung researchers must accept within five days of the notification of their admission. However, the participation to the conference is free.

  1. Tamara Dominici
  2. Maria Fallica
  3. Antonio Gerace
  4. Marco Iacovella
  5. Matteo Leta
  6. Marta Quatrale
  7. Ana Maria Raducan
  8. Edoardo Rossetti
  9. Dennj Solera
  10. Silvia Toppetta