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The Papal Curia between Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

On Monday 16th April 2018, from 9.15 am, the Sangalli Institute will organize in Rome, in collaboration with the Pontificia Università Gregoriana and the review ‘Archivum Historiae Pontificiae’, the international conference “Ruling through Congregations. The Papal Curia between institutional practices and informal logics (XVIth-XVIIth centuries)”: how the congregations established by the popes after the Council of Trient to rule Catholicism were working? who were the cardinals chairing and composing them? which was the profile of the personnel involved? in which way the congregations were in contact with the ecclesiastical catholic institutions all over the world? Download here the program for more details.


Ruling through Congregations Poster


Ruling through Congregations Program