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The correspondence La Pira-Montini at the Italian Parliament

By 25 May 2019November 7th, 2019Conferences

On Thursday 6th June 2019, at 4.30 pm, the launch of the book ‘Scrivo all’amico. Carteggio (1930-1963)’ will take place in the prestigious Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli in Rome, one of the headquarters of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Piazza del Parlamento 19. Pier Luigi Ballini, University of Florence, and Eliana Versace, LUMSA University in Rome, will discuss about the letters exchanged in the central decades of the Twentieth century between Giorgio La Pira, Mayor of Florence, and Giovanni Battista Montini, the future pope Paul VI. The critical work on the letters was edited by Maria Chiara Rioli and Giuseppe Emiliano Bonura, taking advantage of a scholarship of our Institute. The launch will be chaired by On. Flavia Piccoli Nardelli, together with the inaugural greetings by the three institutions involved in the project, besides our Institute, the Fondazione Giorgio La Pira of Florence and the Istituto Paolo VI of Concesio (Bs). Download here for more details.


The correspondence La Pira-Montini at the Italian Parliament