The friendship between Montini and La Pira told by their correspondence – Paolo VI Institute, 2019.
Here it is the essay <<Un’eternità di Grazia>> of professor Eliana Versace’s (University of LUMSA, Rome) lecture, which was held on the 6th of June 2019 in the Sala Conferenze of Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, at the Camera dei Deputati in Rome, in occasion of the presentation of the book G. La Pira – G.B. Montini, <<Scrivo all’amico>>. Carteggio (1930-1963), a cura di M.C. Rioli e G.E. Bonura (who were both our fellows), Edizioni Studium 2019. The essay was later published on the n. 78 news bulletin of Paolo VI Institute in Concesio (Brescia).
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