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‘Empires and Religions’: the eligible researchers

By 10 October 2023Rankings

Here is, in alphabetical order, the list of the young researchers eligible to participate to the workshop ‘Empires and Religions. How religious factors have innervated, justified and contributed to rises and falls (1450-1850)’, that will take place in Florence next October 25th to 27th 2023, with the intervention of renowned Italian and foreign scholars. The Scientific Board of our Institute has not admitted the projects with any pertinence to the topic of the workshop and/or related to centuries beyond the indicated periodization. However, the participation to the workshop is free, warning of the potential presence needed.

1. Dorottya Piroska Bajorné Székely
2. Thomas Croisez
3. Colin M. Donnelly
4. Balint Karolyi
5. Elena Manchado Rodriguez
6. Abbas Siavash Abkenar
7. Barnabas Szabo
8. Rita Szuly
9. Joshua Witheman-Gardner
10. Dmitry Zharov