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Iran: Forty Years of Revolution

By 5 November 2019November 8th, 2019Conferences

On Thursday 14th November 2019, at 6 pm, an event on the fortieth anniversary of the Khomeini’s revolution in Iran will take place at the Sala multimediale of S. Maria Novella in Florence, in collaboration with the Department of education, university and research and the Department for the relations with the religious confessions of the Municipality of Florence. The journalist Luciana Borsatti, for many years correspondent from Teheran of the Ansa Agency, will interview Parisa Nazari, a woman of Iranian origins who lives in Italy and is very dynamic from a professional, cultural and artistic point of view. Through that extraordinary witness, we will be able to recall the nowadays life in Iran, the religious and political aspects, the society, the condition of young people and the women. At the end of the afternoon, a buffet with plates from the Middle East traditions prepared by the Istituto alberghiero Aurelio Saffi of Florence in collaboration with our Institute will be offered to the public. Download here for more details.


Iran: the fortieth anniversary of the revolution