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Removing obstacles. The European Constitutions at school

By 7 November 2019Conferences

Next Friday and Saturday 15th and 16th November 2019 the second appointment of the project ‘Removing obstacles. Fundamental Rights and Constitutions’ will take place. Conceived and organized by our Institute and financially supported by the Fondazione Marchi in Florence, under the auspices of the Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea (Sissco) and in collaboration with the Fondazione Intercultura of Colle di Val d’Elsa, some tens of students coming from the high schools of Florence, Prato and Pescia will gather at the prestigious Convitto Nazionale Francesco Cicognini of Prato together with some other students coming from Denmark, France, Germany and Netherlands to hear and discuss with renowned university scholars on the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of their own country. This two days conference represents the conclusion of a path developed all along the present year: a relevant step was, in September and October, some artistic workshops, coordinated by Rodolfo Sacchettini and Francesca Sarteanesi, during which the students were able to create a web-series, shooted and assembled by Lele Marcojanni from Bononia, and that will be presented during the conference. Download here for more details.


Removing obstacles. The European Constitutions at school